Monday 2 May 2016

Visiting the New Hope Project

Today we went to the new hope project. It is a school that is free to provide education to children from age 3 to 20 who cant afford school. They can help up to 300 kids and the money just comes from donation.
The girls on the right are 12 and 14 they
really wanted to get a picture with me.

We started at the school and watched their assembly, they can all count to one hundred in English.
Then we went to the village where most of the kids at the school live.  It was really dirty and their houses were very small.

Then we went to the old School where quite a few families live who have experienced family problem.....there were lots of kids around it was so cute.

1 comment:

  1. Aw!! you guys look like you fit in beautifully there…I hope you shared some of your many amazing talents with them too Cobs? Any dancing??? xx
