Thursday 21 April 2016

Girls shopping day at Bugis market...

Yesterday we went to Bugis street market.  On the way there the taxi driver was talking to us about some things that most people don't now about Singapore. He said there are four million people in Singapore and how they keep it so tidy is if you drop rubbish on the ground you get fined 400 dollars.

Girls and boys have to go to do army training for a year when they are eighteen in case of a war. And if you bring drugs into the country you get killed straight away. He said that makes Singapore a safe, organised and clean place.

At Bugis Street market you walk down long skinny roads and there's lots of cheap stuff like fabric, backpacks, clothes, watches, food, sport gear, and way more other stuff. We were there for seven hours....phew!


  1. Hi Coby,
    7 hours of market!!! Epic.
    A safe, clean, organised place to live sounds great but i'm not sure I'd like to live in a place with those sorts of rules. $400 for a piece of rubbish!!! Mind you I guess it definitely stop people littering.
    Look forward to more blogs.
    Us 4

  2. Thanks Sooze - I can see why you love Cambodia
