Friday 22 April 2016

Monkeys at the Singapore zoo

Today we went to the Singapore zoo and it was 40 degrees outside!

We saw animals from snakes to polar bears to big cats as well as giraffes, zebras, rhinos, elephants,monkey and so many others.

We got the opportunity to get photos with four baby orangutans as they were being fed.

They had some trouble getting them back down because they climbed up the tree and were eating the seeds in the tree. They got them down in the end by getting out their favourite food grapes. One by one they walk right past you with there hands in the air and holding the caretakers hand too.

In the Singapore zoo it's not like other zoos which have big glass wall and wire.  Singapore zoo has no wire but has either a small ditch or water in between you and the animals and the orangutans are roaming free.

We also met Charlie the oldest orangutan at the zoo.  When you try to take a photo of him he puts his hands on his face and turns round he was so cute.
See ya

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