Monday 25 April 2016

Seeing Maijer again...

Yesterday we went to see our sponsor child Maijer - she lives about an hour and a half from
Chiang Mai towards the border with Laos. She comes from the Mhong tribe who used to live in the hills in Laos.

Because the family doesn't English and we don't speak Thai we had to get a translator.  His name was Charlie, he was awesome and he was a tour guide and was so funny.

She's in a family of five, her mums and her dads and she's got two brothers. She also has two nana's - the one who was sick last time has recovered

We went to maijers house, its a dirt floor bamboo and hay house. It's as big as a kitchen, it's got no chairs and cooks only rice on a small metal stove on the ground using a lot fire.

Most people after year eight don't get to go to high school which makes them have a bad education and that makes them get a bad job so they don't get much money.

Maijer has really good grades in her end of year test. She got something like 97 out of 100 and I reckon she would easily get to university to get a good job. The problem is her mum and dad work in Bangkok and don't see her for months.

We talked to Maijers mum and dad about the high school they want her to go.  Its quite expensive for them to send her to high school so we are helping them to get her to high school. This is with the money we are making from selling scarfs and doing Maijer meals back at home.

It was amazing to see her again two years since last time....her dad ended up inviting us to come to her high school graduation which would be amazing!

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