Friday 29 April 2016

Siem Reap - Cambodia

Yesterday we arrived in Cambodia. We went to this place called Angkor Artisans that helps people to learn handcrafts such as sewing, painting, woodwork and a lot of other stuff. They then sell all the crafts in a shop to put the money towards their families.

We also went to cafe called Sister Srey - there's not many cafes in Cambodia just stalls on the side of the road. When we were walking out of Sister Srey there was a man with no arms selling things on the side of the road. He said he lost them from the Khmer Rouge (the Cambodian fight where if you did have a good job or good education you got shot - they shot over 100,000 people).  He was selling books to help to afford him to get fake arms so we bought some books off him.

That night we went to the Cambodian circus...where young people are trained to be amazing acrobats. The story they told was about life before and during the Khmer Rouge - it was really sad but they were amazing - here's a video of them!!!

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