Wednesday 27 April 2016

Skyline zipline

Yesterday we travelled from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai.  On the way there we stopped at the White temple which was huge.

We then went to Skyline Adventures. There were 43 small and large zip lines that fly through the Thai jungle.  As well as zip lines there was also abseiling down trees.   I asked our guide Nut to go slow but he was teasing us so instead they dropped us really fast.....

The Last zip line is 900 metres long and flies over water and trees. I rode with Nut and he pulled my legs back and told me to put out my
arms.....we were so high and it felt like I was flying.

On the the shuttle home we met three Swedish girls who were here on holiday and were staying in Chiang Mai too... they recommended the night market which we checked out that night

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